APSA Panel on Feminism, Resistance, Violence
I have co-organised (with Professor Jennet Kirkpatrick) a panel on “Feminism, Resistance, Violence” at this year’s APSA. A big thank you to the presenters and discussants for such an exciting conversation!

A New Podcast on the Nature of Political Hope and its Relationship to Solidarity and Failure
I was delighted to contribute to a podcast on the recently published edited collection Revolutionary Hope in a Time of Crisis. The podcast will be included in the new sociology Masters programme in Disability Studies, Rights and Inclusion at the University of Leeds.

Edited collection on Revolutionary Hope in a Time of Crisis out now
The collection takes up the question of how to theorize and revive revolutionary hope in the present era of political disillusion. A big thank you to all the contributors!

Class visit at Colby College
Yesterday, I had the privilege of discussing my paper on ‘Disappointed Hope’ with the students on the course “In the Streets: Politics of Protest and Refusal” convened by Nazli Konya. A warm thank you to all for such a rewarding conversation.

My paper on Disappointment’s Magic published in Millennium
The paper is titled Disappointment’s Magic: Negative Emotions, Transitional Justice and Resistance. It’s available open access; you can read it here.