My paper on The Ambiguity of Betrayal is out in Political Theory
The paper is titled The Ambiguity of Betrayal: Contesting Myths of Heroic Resistance in South Africa. It’s available open access; you can read it here.

So pleased to see the paper I co-authored with Jennet Kirkpatrick out in WSIF!
The paper is titled Beauvoir and Lorde confront the honorary man trope: Toward a feminist theory of political resistance. It’s available open access; you can read it here.

MSA Conference in Newcastle
At the 2023 MSA conference in Newcastle, I participated in a roundtable on 'Feeling Implicated: Affect, Responsibility, Solidarity', with Michael Rothberg and Arielle Stambler. Thanks to the audience for an amazing discussion!

Delighted my paper on Rosa Luxemburg is now out in Philosophy & Social Criticism
The paper is titled The Disappointment of Rosa Luxemburg: Rethinking Revolutionary Commitment in the Face of Failure. It’s available open access; you can read it here.

Podcast commemorating Rosa Luxemburg at 150 is out!
I was thrilled to contribute to this podcast on Luxemburg’s life, political engagement and her contemporary political relevance, organised by genderED, RACE.ED, CRITIQUE, and IASH at the University of Edinburgh.